
tokyo round中文是什么意思

  • 东京回合谈判



  • 例句与用法
  • After tokyo round , the demand for improving dispute settlement mechanism became exigent
  • Copenhagen , zurich and tokyo round out the top five , with new york in seventh place globally
    位于前5名的另外3个城市为哥本哈根苏黎世和东京,纽约名列全球第7 。
  • Copenhagen , zurich and tokyo round out the top five , with new york in seventh place globally
  • The first " gatt " was signed in october , 1947 . the 6trul6th and 23th items of " gatt " draw principles of anti - subsidy , but they appear to be weak in avoiding abusing anti - subsidy . tokyo round is the multi - leteral negotiation , and as a result , the agreement on subsidy and anti - subsidy came into being . however , owing to its structural flaw and ambiguity in words , the agreement needs further amendment
    第二阶段是“东京回合” ,在“东京回合”多边贸易谈判中,把补贴和反补贴措施列为重要议题之一,并达成了一项较为详细的协议,即《补贴与反补贴守则入但由于该守则在结构上不够严谨,文字上含混,对日趋复杂的补贴与反补贴措施仍不能有效地予以制约,故仍需进一步修正与充实。
  • I will regard this article as a personal review of tprm since its establishment and hope it will function more actively and fully within wto framework in the future . this paper can be divided into 5 parts : the first part describes the evolution of tprm , which has undergone an unusual process : from gatt rules and tokyo round negotiation to uruguary round negotiation . the second part is concerned about the contents of tprm , including the contents of the agreement and the trade policy review process
  • With the rapid development of international trade , and the accelerated process of economic globalization , especially in view of the evolution of gatt , which was established after the 2nd world war , to wto , the international customs value evaluation policy , which co - exists with world trade activities , has also experienced an eventful development process : from separation and independence to coordination and unification ; from self - centered to regional alignment ; from the " proposals " in principle as stipulated by article 7 of gatt 1947 to individual actions by major economies of the world ; from dispute and frictions to coordination and alignment ; from the relatively independent " code " at tokyo round to the one concord of the wto system
    伴随着世界贸易的迅猛发展、经济全球化进程的加快,特别是二战后gatt的建立、发展到wto的形成,与国际贸易共生的国际海关估价制度也经历了由分散独立到协调统一的的曲折的发展过程:从各自为政到地区间的协调,从gatt1947第七条的原则性“倡议”到世界各主要经济体各行其是,从分歧摩擦到协调统一,从东京回合具相对独立性的“守则” ( code )到wto体系的一项协定。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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